Your skill and experience don't matter in the slightest. Update: problems of luck and hyper-powerful cards are increasing every expansion. "Battlegrounds" is a fun mode, but super luck dependent and the Arena suffers from the same issues as competitive: snowball effect can kill you without having a chance to react.

In my opinion, it's not worth getting into at this point.

In other words: I really enjoyed the game up to the expansion Journey to Un'Goro, but afterward, it became an unfocused mess. It doesn't pay off to create a unique deck and surprise opponents with non-standard cards, because the difference in cards' power-level dictates what cards can you play to be successful. The game of course not only doesn't offer any counter-action for the most powerful cards, but the developers even went out of their way to ban them (the cards which had the potential to counter some of the most powerful cards) from the game.

The game is no more decided by skillful play and careful consideration of opponents deck, but merely by draw luck, as cards and their specific combinations are so strong that one card drawn card can basically kill an opponent on its own. Developers decided to add imbalanced cards and use them to force players into playing expansion-specific deck archetypes. Deck tracking is not what I'm after.This game was fun and interactive when it came out, however, expansions totally killed its magic. I don't even do anything other then battlegrounds. I'm just curious about the round and win/loss possibilities. I honestly DON'T want the part that shows you all the possible cards and such. And keeping track of what round we're in shouldn't be anything game breaking. It doesn't even begin to tally till after the round starts and there's nothing I can do about it. That is in NO WAY does any real help because it doesn't do anything beyond calculate your chances of winning that particular hand. All I want is to be able to see what round I'm on in the battleground. I just want to see the round and % info I don't know the name of it and am having a heck of a time trying to find exactly the one I see.Įdit: To everyone who said its against the rules.

I don't want any extra tracking like tier list or what my opponents last known hand was. I just want one where it tracks what round you are in the battlegrounds and the win/loss fatal damage %'s. I'm trying to find where to get a mod I see some youtubers using.